On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 12:40, Sudev Barar wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 03:04, Prateek Khanna wrote:
> > > Just come to the open-air theatre in Dilli Haat.  There'll be a group
> > > of people who look kind of weird, most wearing computer-related
> > 
> > Specially look out for a penguine like looking guy, eating away his
> > samosas to glory, and googling on his cellphone, occasionally showing off
> > with some useless jargon - ask him if he;s Raj Mathur... join him if he
> > says "yes"...!
> > 
> > There's normally another highlight, with a decent enough built, quite a
> > developed beard (looks like a well dressed terrorist) showing his
> > palmasutra off...!  Ask him if he's the treasurer.  Join him if he says
> > "yes"...!
> > 
> > Then you'd see a guy in a nice black turban, torn jeans, a
> > computer-related (black t-shirt), sayin something no one even wants to
> > understand, will have the words "python" and "anaconda" in every second
> > sentence... Ask him if he's Supreet Singh Sethi... Join him if he says
> > "yes"...!
> > 
> Haan bhai haannn...!!!
> par meeting kitne bache? time for the meet yaar/ Since Raju refused to
> reply to my earlier post....TIC...is he sulking that no one is
> appreciating such good work being put up by him??

Are bhai itne bechain kyon ho rahe ho for the time.

If you read "carefully" Raju's original post 

[URL may be wrapped]

you will find the time of the meet mentioned there.

Since nobody was helping the poor guy i thought I will do my good deed
of the day.

Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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