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I'd really hoped not to have to get into this whole issue but Vivek
seems to have forced my hand :(

My personal take (NOT official ILUGD policy):

We'd asked Vivek to make a design to be printed on the ILUGD T-shirts
at the Meet.  Whether that design is called a logo or an illustration
is unimportant.  We're all aware of the function and purpose of the

Vivek made 3 designs and we voted on them.

LinuxLingam (LL) stepped in with some excellent guidelines on graphic
design in general and some designs of his own.

LL also gave an alternative for the T-shirt design.  However that has
issues in terms of guidelines on number of colours, printing on chest,
etc. which LL missed due to not having been present at the Meet.

Without going into the relative merits and demerits of the actual
designs, I'd go with the results of the poll on linux-delhi.org.  As I
write (~9:00 am), TuxEarth is the leading design with about 38% of the
votes.  The nearest rival is `None of the above' with 35%.

[Official stuff]

We should close this issue today, so if you feel strongly about the
T-shirt design one way or the other, please take 5 minutes and vote at
the site.  I'll collate the information tomorrow morning by around
8:00 am and we'll stick to the decision of the majority.  If you have
a better idea please feel free to suggest it on the list.

In the meantime, it'd be nice if we could drop the personal mails and
get back to boring stuff about SCO and getting the i845 card to work
with XFree86.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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