        I Have seen all three of viveks logos and to be honest 
        I voted none of the above. I havent seen LL's logos. 
        The site went down before I could reach them.

        So to be fair could LL's logos be given a place in the
        list. when the site is up. 

On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 09:06:12AM +0530, Raj Mathur wrote:
Raj>I'd really hoped not to have to get into this whole issue but Vivek
Raj>seems to have forced my hand :(
Raj>We should close this issue today, so if you feel strongly about the
Raj>T-shirt design one way or the other, please take 5 minutes and vote at
Raj>the site.  I'll collate the information tomorrow morning by around
Raj>8:00 am and we'll stick to the decision of the majority.  If you have
Raj>a better idea please feel free to suggest it on the list.
all the things we keep inside,
are the things that really matter,
the face puts on its best disguise,
and all is well, until the heart betrays.

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