
i am on a 192.168.x.x internal LAN, which communicates with the outside
world and a multi-location WAN through a router which is 10.1.x.x
we don't use DHCP.

so my linux box has an assigned IP number 192.168.x.x. i have to bring up
network, by typing "ifconfig 192.168.x.x eth0". i then also run

"route -add network netmask"

the DNS is on one of the 10.1.x.x., which i entered in the /etc/resolv.conf

i also put the environment variables http_proxy and ftp_proxy in the
/etc/profile file for systemwide use. lynx.cfg also has a proyx entry.

so far so good.

lynx works. (mozilla doesn't, because i can't get X to work. but that's
because 2.4.18 kernel does not support the ATI Radeon 7500. but that's
another long story, for another post to linux-delhi.)

back to the network story. what i really want is to upgrade kernel etc using
the network - i.e. network install. so i need to get to

however when i ping, i get a correct name --> IP number transation, but get
a message "network is unreachable". ifconfig shows eth0 is up, and netstat
shows network is up. so i think the network is unreachable, because ping
(and also apt-get) is unable to get through the proxy server. same fate for

so what should i be doing? i have a feeling that i am missing out something
most obvious!
any help welcome, and thanks in advance.

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