On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 16:54, Vijay Raghavan wrote:

> Hello,
> I had a dual boot system with redhat linux and winxp. Winxp was giving a
> lot of problems. so decided to remove it and install win 2000. did it and
> as usual, lilo was gone.
> I have faced such a problem earlier too but I always used to reinstalled
> linux and I dont want to take the same old step. 
> The steps I took:
> 1) used knoppix, was able to mount the root, was able to edit lilo.conf
> (used vi) but was unable to run lilo. whenever i ran lilo, it gave some
> error saying 'there's some problem in lilo.conf at line number xx'. I
> searched for some sample lilo.conf and there was no mistake.

try chrooting to the linux filesystem and then running lilo with
appropriate lilo.conf file

> 2) used 2-3 floppy bootable linux distributions but was unseccussful.

never worked for me either

> 3) since i can't go into dos, i can't use loadlin. i used a dos bootable
> floppy and tried loadlin 
> from there but to no avail.

i dnt get it...works pretty fine all the time...i used to loose linux
almost everyday

> 4) I even used the RHL 8.0 first CD to get into the rescue mode and try
> from there. but it says that there aren't any linux partitions present in
> the hard disk. ufff, there are i guess because explore2fs is able to read
> the partitions. 

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