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Tarun, Vivek, Kishore, LinuxLingam and I have been working behind the
scenes with Alolita and Bob to define some sort of presence at Linux
Asia 2004 (India Habitat Centre, Feb 11 to 13).  If you remember the
process had started on the day of the December Meet, gathered some
momentum and then lost it; now it's up and running again.

In a nutshell, we are going with the following:

1. We get a booth at the event for demonstrating technology.
2. We sell t-shirts.
3. We sell CDs.
4. ILUGD is the ``Host LUG'' for the event.
5. LL and (perhaps) Kishore are speaking at the event.
6. We get ``Partnership'' status for the event.
7. We have an informal Meet on the 11th.
8. We have a GnuPG keysigning party at the Meet.

The details.  These are subject to change, but will help us define our
plans.  Please also go through the last part (What you can do) and
volunteer quick!

1. We shall get a minimum of a 6x6 booth at the event.  If other LUGs
are presenting their stuff we'll try to get a larger area to
accommodate everyone.  We can sell t-shirts and CDs at this booth.
The profits (if any) go to the LUG kitty.

6. ILUGD can display its partnership status on its web site.  Your
inputs are need on how we can get maximum mileage out of this fact.

7. We have talked to some of the star free software speakers at LA2004
and all the ones we've been in communication with have agreed to
address our informal Meet on the 11th evening.  Currently the list of
speakers is:

  - Rishab Ghosh (agreed, date not confirmed)
  - Louis Suarez-Potts (date confirmed)
  - Brian Behlendorf (date confirmed)
  - Robin Miller (agreed, date not confirmed)

11th is a working day, but despite that I hope to see a large turn-out
of ILUGD members and anyone else who's interested.  The Meet shall be
held in the India Habitat Centre amphitheatre from 2pm onward.  Shall
be posting to the web site soon.

8. The keysigning details are as always: upload your keys to Biglumber
and bring photo ID to have your key signed.  The URL for uploading is:

What You Can Do
- ---------------

In order to achieve any of the objectives above, we need ideas,
volunteers and resources really quickly.

Ideas -- Please let the list know if you can put up a full working
demo of any interesting aspect of Linux, provide hardware for it and
man it for 3 days.  You will get help (point 2 below :) , but the
execution of the demo will be totally your responsibility.  A partial
list of demo streams could include coding, games, LTSP, servers,
security, user interfaces, etc.  You're welcome to demo anything
provided (a) it's freely distributable and (b) it's interesting.
Preference would be given to projects that either you have implemented
or are specially relevant in India.

If it makes sense you could also get CDs burnt of the stuff you're
demoing and have them sold at the booth.

Volunteers -- Please indicate if you're available to man the booth
and/or help out with demos for the three days of the conference.
Being a volunteer is not a job for the faint-hearted -- you have to
slog your butt off and get nothing in return (well, almost nothing --
a free t-shirt is always available :)  If you're willing to come and
help out under those terms, please send *personal* mail to the


Please state your availability and an overview of your skills in your
message.  If you're in a college or university, please ask your
friends if they can help.

Resources -- We need the following four types of resources for making
our presence at the event a success:

  - Hardware
  - CDs
  - Signage
  - Money

If you have hardware that you can spare for 3 days, please let the
above 4 people know so we can coordinate.  The first priority is
computers, followed by network cards.  Spare (formattable) disks are
fine, as are spare monitors, keyboards and mice if you happen to have
them.  Anything else you can think of will do too.

LFY is distributing Fedora CDs (2 CD set) at the event.  We can
distribute Knoppix, GMAME (the Knoppix games CD) and GNUWinII.  Please
burn as many of these as you can.  Your media costs will be
reimbursed.  Your time and effort in burning won't be, except in terms
of satisfaction :)

Signage -- We urgently need to prepare some posters for our booth.
Anyone good with a paintbrush?  Please make largish posters (at least
30cm x 30cm) that highlight both the penguin and Delhi or India.  If
you want to put a few Gnus in that's fine too.  Please do NOT put the
dates or the event in the poster, since we can use the good ones for
other events too!

Money -- We may need some cash to pay for the t-shirts that we plan to
sell.  Cash will be reimbursed as soon as the event is over; however
the t-shirt maker will need his full payment on delivery, which should
be on the 10th.

OK, that should be enough to think about for now... once again, please
look in the last section and communicate if you can help out with any
(all) of the items mentioned there -- and remember, speed is of the
essence here!

Please call Tarun or me if you have any urgent questions: Tarun is at
9811912182 and I'm at 9811066460.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
                      It is the mind that moves
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.6 and Gnu Privacy Guard <http://www.gnupg.org/>


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