On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 10:52, Raj Mathur wrote:
> >>>>> "Sudev" == Sudev Barar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Sudev> Can also display 386 in terminal mode on this. But have no
>     Sudev> programs to show.
> OpenOffice/Gnome/KDE?  In Hindi?  Browsing?  E-mail?  GnuCash?
> Anjuta/Kdevelop?  Since LTSP is primarily an office/educational setup
> let's show the apps relevant to those.
These all should / will run on the Pentiums and above, may be also on

> Does anyone have a couple of killer educational apps that they can
> offer to demonstrate?  School management, e-learning, etc would be
> great!
Problem is that 386 will not run X so the above applications can only be
demo'd on 486 or pentium's. I need some terminal (as in tty) based
application to show on the 386 terminal as proof of concept. 
Any taker for making / giving some C application software?
Sudev Barar

Learning Linux

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