On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 16:06, bipin sartape wrote:
> hi,
>    i am running rh8.0(psyche distro). how can i
> upgrade it to fedora core-1 distro which i have got it
> along with LFY-Feb 04 edition.
> it will be of great help.

Your best bet is to do a clean install from starting rather than an
upgrade. That is back up your data and then pop in the Fedora cd do a
clean install. Recreate and format the partitions again.

Now before people jump up and start abusing me for such a poor advice
what with the excellent upgrade facility present on the Fedora cd's
allow me to explain my reasons for saying so.

1. Major drawback of upgrade -- Only the rpm's already present on your
system are going to get upgraded to the new ones available on Fedora
Core 1. So for instance you are not going to get the excellent utility
to update a system called "yum" or for that matter "rhgb" which provides
the sort off graphical boot screen. You can always install these later
by hand but I have just mentioned 2 there may be, no *are* numerous more
which are not installed. Now if somebody knows what I am doing wrong
when I upgraded and did not get these and various other packages please
do correct me here. 

Also if for some reason you had not installed Open Office under RH 8 do
not expect it to auto magically appear on upgrading to Fedora Core 1. It
will not install the Open Office rpm since it is upgrading your system.
This is just an example it holds true for any other package which you
have manually uninstalled from your RH 8 system or did not install
during your RH 8 installation.

2. You are anyways going to take backup of the system if you are going
to upgrade. At least I hope you were going to take back up. So taking
backup is not a drawback for installing from scratch.

3. Upgrade from one version to another and more over as in this case it
is a major change 8 - Fedora Core 1 aka RH 10 although you may not face
problems while upgrading and you may also be happy for the first 2 days
but the moment you try to update your system with the latest available
rpm's from the various repo's boom it may burst up in your face with
dependency errors or more "apt"ly rpm dependency hell. Been there and
done that so trust me.

Still after all this if you want to upgrade using the cd then first take
backup (up to you) and second pop in the cd and reboot. Make sure the
first boot device is cd and not hdd in the bios and at the prompt of the
cd just press enter. Then follow the whatever it tells/asks you to do.
After the final mouse click my suggestion is start praying hard, very
very hard and it might also help you to keep your fingers crossed.


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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