On Tue, 2004-03-02 at 15:08, bipin sartape wrote:
>  thanks, 
>        arindam-da and vivek for your suggestions.
> the 2nd suggestion of directly poping the fedora cd's
> is usless bcos i had already tried this and it did not
> work.
>     i will try you suggestion reg.make clean install
> and installing fedora cd's.

You are welcome. Whats with "da" at the end of my name ? 

What do you mean by useless ? What did you try and what was the result
or error you got ? 

>From my knowledge and prior experience which is admittedly limited the
popping in the cd and pressing enter will work for upgrade also. 
1. Pop in the cd.
2. Make cd first boot device in bios.
3. Skip or do the media check up to you.
4. Approximately after 5 clicks in GUI on the "Next" button (After
Monitor selection) the cd performs the "Searching for Fedora Core
4. It should and at least in my case *does* come up with "Red Hat Linux
8" as a listed option with the root partition it is installed on. It
then asks you whether you want to upgrade *_OR_* do a fresh install over
this. (If you would like a screenshot of this can be done :-)
5. This will not come up if for some reason you have a corrupted
partition or you have messed around with your RH 8 installed system. But
it *will* come up if you have a reasonably working RH 8 system IMHO.

Did you try till this step? I do not think so. Anyways when you are
going to do a fresh install it is also going you to bring you to this
point so...


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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