On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 20:15, Yashpal Nagar wrote:
> harsh sharma wrote:
> >hi this is harsh singal..
> > i am new to linux environment and have just started working on it....
> > 
> >i have some problems:
> > 
> >1)   pls tell me what INPUTRC system variable is for?
> >
> This file is for setting up system behaviours, like what do you want if 
> you press twice the tab command , How the programs in your path are 
> viewed when you type tab-tab .. etc

If I may be allowed to interject here...

INPUTRC -- Is the system variable to store the "location of the inputrc
file" if it is stored in a location other than the home
directory(~someuser/.inputrc) or if you want to override the file
located in your home directory. The above describes the contents of the
inputrc file itself.

<From "man bash">

        The  filename  for  the  readline  startup  file,               overriding the
default of ~/.inputrc (see READLINE below).

</From "man bash">

You can check the value of the variable by "env | grep INPUTRC". If you
run the above command as a normal user you will not get any output on
Red Hattish(checked on FC 1) systems unless you have set the variable
explicitly for your user. This is because the .inputrc file is there in
your home directory itself so there is no need to set the variable. But
if you run the aforementioned command as root (do "su -" and *NOT* just
"su" or better yet login as root on a console) you will see that the
INPUTRC variable points to /etc/inputrc where it is stored for root (Do
not ask me why it is stored there and not /root/.inputrc because I do
not know. If somebody would like to elaborate on this then I will also
learn something).

You can learn more about INPUTRC variable by taking a look at "man
bash". Search for INPUTRC. You can search by typing "/" without the
quotes and then by typing "INPUTRC" obviously without the quotes and
pressing enter. And like it says read "READLINE" so do that then you can
understand the various options you can put in your inputrc file. Search
for "READLINE" it is mentioned in 3 or 4 places so you can navigate to
the main entry after searching for it in man bash press "n" to go to the
next occurrence of READLINE.


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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