On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 13:26, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
> At 2004-03-03 21:16:17 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > AMS if you cannot direct prpoperly atleast dont misdirect him. The
> > link you sent is not clicked by the initiator of the thread but by
> > several others who have gone through your reply.
> Did you bother to actually check whom the message was from before trying
> to beat me with a stick?
> -- ams

Ah now i see what this guy meant by "AMS". Got thrown off by that for a

As far as posting useless links if you would care to read carefully
through the whole post I have given the guy the proper suggestion. That
is enter curses tutorial in the google search. I just want him to go and
do the work on his own rather than me providing him the links aka spoon
feeding which is what this fellow is looking for going by his recent
posts. I am pretty sure you did not read the whole posting carefully
since you were berating AMS on such useless links.

As far as useless link goes a little bit of humor never hurt anybody.
And as to lots of spare time "Who is the person clicking on all the
links?" Not me. And as for misdirection if the person cannot distinguish
that the site is for spells and curses and not for "linux curses" what
more can I say.


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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