On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 13:59, Spoonman wrote:
> Sharninder Singh wrote:
> > yes, You were supposed to give it a pass. Sorry, for hogging your bandwidth 
> > people, 
> >I was just testing if the filters I have set in my mail client (sylpheed) are 
> >working fine. 
> >I'm using sylpheed for the first time today.
> You could have just sent a mail to yourself with [ilugd] in subject line 
> to test the filter if the filter was based on the subjectline. If the 
> filter was based on To/CC email you could have telnet to your mailserver 
> at port 25 and sent a mail spoofing the To email address in the DATA.

Or alternatively the concerned person could have just been patient for
somebody else to mail to the list. This list is not such low activity
that a person cannot be patient to receive a mail from it.

But enough said on this. I think he gets the idea and next time he will
not do it. Hopefully...


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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