On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 04:02, LinuxLingam wrote:
> dear all,
> since i haven't seen any minutes of the meet, am posting the post-meet
> minutes in reverse chronological order, as a mind-numbing exercise...
> [grin]
> 11:00pm: Cafe Coffee Day in Saket starts toggling their lights, as a
> discreet signal to Ilug-d to call it a day. We've been slurping on their
> cafe frappes, smoothies, icecreams, while discussing random topics. i
> get home just past midnight.
> 10:30pm from 8:30pm: we step out from the movie hall into the star-lit
> night, wondering what the heck was that story-line on 'Basic.' though we
> were all thrilled by the movie. Mid-way thru, the concierge brought us
> our huge popcorn combos, which was sort of our dinner, as we sat
> occupying the front seats of the middle-set of seats. massive leg-room.
> the pepsi was cooler, and we did manage to catch some trailers and ads
> before the show. interesting to note in light of our ilug-meet topic, as
> we entered the hall all nine of us were frisked, as is routine, by
> security at PVR. good they didn't hear our discussions on RSA,
> encryption, and other stuff... ;-)
> 8:00pm to 8:30pm: we stroll across to a nice dhabha-walla who made some
> nice, strong, garam garam chai for us. we stood around the bikes in the
> parking lot, animatedly discussing population and statistics of linux
> users in india, migration headaches, and other random topics.
> 7:45pm to 8:00pm: we were surprised to see cops, including some
> specially-uniformed types, suddenly appear from nowhere, in somewhat
> large numbers, at the food stalls. the kiosk owners hastily packed up
> their makeshift tables and chairs at PVR saket.
> 6:30pm to 7:45pm: the vegetarians amongst us had to wait till the last
> for their paneer tikkas. the eggetarians were moderately lucky, and the
> non-veggies had privileged service from the open-air foodstall at PVR
> saket's complex. we had just arrived at the complex, to disappointingly
> find that all tables and chairs for people wishing to dine in the
> open-air had disappeared from the food stalls. some kiosk owners
> beckoned us to the backyard of their kiosk, which was surprisingly
> well-lit, and tables and chairs appeared from nowhere in a matter of
> minutes. two large fans were placed right behind where raj was seated.
> his cpu always needs cooling. the camera-equipped clicked photos.
> 6:00pm: we decide to call it a day, and head outside the EFY building in
> okhla. some bid goodbye, others decide to go partying. we decide to head
> out to PVR saket in this excellent weather.
> pre-6pm: tarun dua decides to stop using 'invisible ink' with marker
> pens and gives a light-hearted and friendly talk on security aspects.
> before him, raj gave an excellent talk on encryption, symmetrical
> encryption, public-key encryption, benefits, etc., for audiences in
> human terms. mayank and gang served all with coke. eishwar (sp?) gave a
> talk on [eeps! i was late so don't know what was his topic!]. the room
> on the first-floor was surprisingly full, packed with about 40 to 50
> people. great meet! many new faces. a few were holding copies of the
> latest LFY. apparantly the intro talk on linux for newbies had gone
> well.
> sandip and raj had spoken to me earlier on the phone, so i had assumed
> the meet would start late, but it hadn't started so late, i discovered,
> as i parked my car outside the EFY office. just about half an hour
> earlier, sandip and raj were talking to me on the phone from a barista
> near IIT. and as i showed up to the surprise of a few, i don't have to
> eat cowdung. yea!
> as i left home for the meet, i decided to stay thru the whole day for
> the post-meet partying i always miss out on, never attended any. figured
> that is what makes an ilug-d meet wonderful and memorable. so decided
> that later i'll write this summary in reverse chronological order, with
> the juicy bits first. so more people show up for the next meet. 
> for the fun.
> :-)
> LL

LL you forgot volunteer Mayank who stepped forward to co-ordinate
college linux presentations. 
Members (IT MEANS YOU!!!) of ILUG-D should try to fix up with colleges /
institutions for organising a Linux day and inform Mayank. Who will try
to co-ordinate between members so that a volunteer team could make
presentations / distribute CD's.

I volunteer for such events.

Sudev Barar

Learning Linux

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