On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 11:22, Manpreet Singh Nehra wrote:

> > 
> > 2. What (what's the theme of the Meet?)
> Howto to day some jobs which are trivial in windows and not so trivial
> in linux like Writing CD's, configuring browser, adding flash to your
> browsers, and so on.. doing a daily sys ad of the system.

okay! that's cool! that's done! this will be covered in the fifteen
minutes of fame for the newbies at the beginning of the meet: i'd
suggest we call this topic: Trivializing Windoze.  :-)

1) burn cds using K3B. a demo will be nice. push it up with webCD, that
allows you to do this over a network and thru a browser.
2) configuring browzer, look at browzer options. adding flash, and
adding java and javascript support.
3) getting xmms, mp3, yadda yadda to work.
4) first look at webmin: that takes care of sysadmin for newbies  :-)
5) [add your topic here, newbies]

yup, this is good. newbies will  love this. who volunteers to show the
above. i suppose mayank could do this. mayank, could you please


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