Hi and thanks for the reply.
I have issued xhost + on my machine(i am on a single user machine).However
i cannot know if it will work until the hour passes by.I will keep you
I had another question.Right now it seems like everytime i start X i will
have to do xhost + for the script to work.Is there some file where i can
put the X server access settings.I googled around but all answers i found
were either for KDM,GDM or XDM.I dont use either of these.I use starts to
start my session.
The man pages for xhost say to check /etc/X*.hosts however i could not
find ne such file in /etc and nor did i find nething much in google.
Could someone maybe tell me how to go about this.
Also i have no ides how to have my own crontab but i will look around for
Thanks a lot

Rishabh Manocha
**********Your Quote for the day**********
"How should I know if it works?  That's what beta testers are for.  I only
coded it."
(Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting)

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, Bhaskar Dutta wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
>   >>> On Friday 16 April 2004 09:47, RM <Rishabh Manocha> said:
>     RM> Hey guys,
>     RM> I use Esetroot to set the background for my Desktop.I use openbox as
>  my RM> window manager on a debian sid 2.6.4.
>     RM> I wrote a small perl script to change my
>     RM> background(www.cs.utexas.edu/users/rmanocha/projects/change_desk.pl).
>     RM> My main aim behind writing this script was to put it into a cron job
>  so RM> that my desktop background can change every hour without me having to
>  RM> fiddle with it.
>     RM> However the cron job does not work.It exits with this error:
>     RM> /etc/cron.hourly/change_desk:
>     RM> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
>     RM> Xlib: Protocol not supported by server
>     RM>
>     RM> Esetroot:  Unable to open display :0.0
>     RM>
>     RM> This script works just fine when i execute it from a terminal.The
>     RM> permissions on other scripts and this script in the directory is:
>     RM> -rwx------    1 rmanocha rmanocha       80 Apr 15 01:19 change_desk
>     RM> -rwx------    1 rmanocha rmanocha      300 Mar 11 14:19 hmailscript
>     RM> the second script works just fine for me and so i am wondering why
>  this RM> script is not working.Is it because the script is executes an
>  another RM> user(thought not likely since no one else has execute
>  permissions on the RM> script).
> your X server doesnt allow user 'rmanocha' to make direct connections to it.
> thats because access control is enabled on your box. check the output of
> `xhost`. should give something like:
> access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect.
> and, you are not authorised (the script is owned by user rmanocha, who is
> probably not on the authorized user's list). check `man xhost` and do the
> needful.
> cron is running as root, and it will never let any script owned by an
> unauthorized user  to make direct x connections. thats considered dangerous.
> as ams pointed out, put it in your own crontab. or add yourself to xhost (i
> would probably do the latter if i am on a single user system).
> regards,
> bhaskar
> p.s. your script uses Esetroot without the `-d` param. i dunno what
> consequences it might have. do test it for multi-user environments also.
> - --
> - -----------------
>  Bhaskar Dutta <bhaskie99 at yahoo dot co dot uk>
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>  GPG FPR: AA56 1EB5 D7E8 DD9C 298E  8F4D 375F D416 01D5 671C
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