
I have a dual boot linux/win2k box in an all MS system that uses DHCP and DNS and 
WINS. Heres the problem ( pardon me for not being brief enough, but i dont want to be 
flamed for 'not enough data')

I boot in win2k first, get an ip addr x from the dhcp server. the mapping between ip 
addr x and hostname works fine.
I reboot into linux get another addres y ( of course, my first question was that why 
is y different from x, even though the lease from dns is for longer durations. 
googling a little i found out that inspiteof same MAC addrs, the dhcp clients format 
their requests differently so the server issues seperate addresses thinking of them as 
2 different machines with same MAC address and not 2 different os on one machine. I 
buy that). The problem is y doesn't maps to my hostname, the dns still has the old 
hostname to x mapping.
I have configured dhclient on linux (PCQ 2004), with nmbd as WINS client. 
If the responsibility of updating the DNS is that of DHCP server (thats what i think, 
correct me if ms dhcp client does this), why am i getting different behaviours in 
linux and windows ?

Thanks in advance
Qasim Zaidi
PS: please mark a cc of responses to mqzaidi at yahoo dot com 

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