>Ambar Roy wrote:
>>Anupam Jain wrote:
>>Hi everyone,
>>In light of the recent discussions about the Apple iTunes issue..
>>I think the GNU GPL does not allow distributing an object binary (i.e.closed 
>>source software) that can be linked with a free GPLd (or even LGPLd?)
>>library to form an executable.. Does that not seem unfair? After all the
>>distributers are not actually breaking the law by running tainted code but 
>>are only providing the means (tools) for others to do the same easily. So 
>>shouldn't *truly free* software not have this restriction?
>GPL/LGPL are not the only *free* licenses out there. BSD/Apache are examples
>of a much liberal license. Seems like that is what you are looking for :-)
>The basic logic behind GPL is simple. If you use GPLed software as a base
>for your projects, you will have to release your software under the GPL.
>This is the "Viral Clause" of GPL. This helps the developers by keeping
>their work free and while allowing others to improve upton their work, they
>are reasonably assured that no one will steal their code. LGPL is more like
>a special case of GPL for library code which makes the library code behave
>like GPL, but not any applications that are linked to the code.

No, I still think GPL is Free-er than BSD except for that single caveat. So I 
want to release any software I might develop under a modified GNU like 
license which allows development and distribution of closed source software 
as long as it is separated cleanly-enough from my software (eg. if it uses 
the library only through it's public interface).

The fact that THE GNU GPL does not include such a clause makes me wonder if 
there is a loophole I'm missing.

The only bad thing I see about such a license is that it would also promote 
(in addition to free software) closed source software to be developed. But 
then Free Software is about community building and not killing other 

- AJ

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