> Subject: [Exim-Announce] Exim 4.34 Released
> To: exim-users, exim-announce
> I have just put Exim release 4.34 on the primary ftp site:
>    ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/email/exim/exim4/exim-4.34.tar.gz
>    ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/email/exim/exim4/exim-4.34.tar.bz2
> By doing this, I have broken my usual rule of not releasing software just
> before I go away. I have done this because this release contains two
> important
> fixes. I am going to be away from 13-24 May (in Dakar, Senegal), but I
> will be
> reading email for most of the time, as I will be teaching at an Internet
> workshop.

Why on earth forward an exim-announce mail to ilugd?

Have I missed something recently?

IMHO there are enough security/bug/announce fix lists out there.

Ambar Roy

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