We have started an experiment by putting up a #linux-india IRC channel
on irc.freenode.net . Even as I write this at 10:00 AM in the morning,
we have a good discussion going on in the channel. Please do join us.

Bhaskar has written a micro-howto on how you can join us.

micro-howto to show you how to get hooked to #linux-india

The #linux-india IRC channel is up and running on
irc.freenode.net. Please visit or idle in the channel to make it

This micro-howto will show you how to get hooked to #linux-india:

1. Get hold of an IRC (internet relay chat) client. Some of the good
ones are:

bitchx - Advanced Internet Relay Chat client
ircii - Internet Relay Chat client
xchat - IRC client for X similar to AmIRC
xchat-gnome - IRC client for GNOME similar to AmIRC
mozilla-chatzilla - Mozilla Web Browser - irc client
kvirc - Fully scriptable graphical IRC client with plugin support
konversation - user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE

2.  connect to irc.freenode.net with your favourite IRC client (
please remember not to run irc as *root* unless you are on crack) for
example, if you are running bitchx, type the following on a prompt:
$bitchx irc.freenode.net

3. Once you get online, register your nick. First see that your nick
is what you want. if its not, type:
/nick <your_nick>

then register the nick:
/msg nickserv register <your_password>

4. to join the linux-india channel, type :
/join #linux-india

Thats it. If this is the first time you are using IRC, you can see the
IRC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Help Files
(http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/faq.html) for a more detailed
introduction. For more, ask for help in the channel.

regards, Bhaskar


Raj Shekhar

   / \__
  (    @\___    Raj Shekhar
  /         O   My home : http://geocities.com/lunatech3007/
 /   (_____/    My blog : http://lunatech.journalspace.com/
/_____/   U     

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