>>>>> "Sandip" == Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sandip> On Saturday 12 June 2004 12:07 pm, Bhaskar Dutta wrote:
    >> [un]fortunately, logs from #linux-india IRC channel can be
    >> found at: (dating from 2nd june 2004)
    >> http://metawire.org/~bhaskar/linux-india/logs/
    >> I will be updating the logs on a daily basis.

    Sandip> Umm. I am not sure whether IRC channels should be
    Sandip> logged. People should be made more aware of this fact
    Sandip> because one tends to drop their guard a bit on IRC. I dont
    Sandip> want my "jokes" to be archived by google. Heck, this will
    Sandip> only make me logon to the IRC under an alter ego from now
    Sandip> on.

Seconded.  Just as I wouldn't want someone to make tapes of all
conversations I have with my friends available for download as MP3s, I
wouldn't want IRC conversations to be logged and made available on the

I for one am out of the channel if the logs are going to be available
on the 'net.  OTOH there is no objection to people going through their
own *private* logs, extracting generally interesting snippets and
posting them somewhere.  Heck, the #linux Buttload has been doing
precisely that with funny conversations for ages.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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                      It is the mind that moves

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