On Wednesday 14 July 2004 09:43, Priyank  Jain wrote:
> Hi ppl,
> I recently installed Red Hat Linux 8.1 . I am unable to access my internet.
> I have a DSL connection, that is through my LAN card. So, i configured an
> ethernet connection defining all d required ip settings and DNS settings.
> For testing, i even tried to ping my gateway. And luckily it is able to do
> that. But for some reason, i am unable to access my internet. When i open
> mozilla, it says, resolving "www.google.com" or any other site's name.
> After a few minutes, it flashes me a msg, unable to open the site's name.
> So if anybody could help me out in this regard....just do so :)

You should also talk to your Local ISP, are they using any Proxy Server? In 
case yes, ask them the relevant IP and the port and you have to specify the 
same in Mozilla. The menu option is Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Proxies.
I hope this helps.

Kind regards

Vaibhav Sharma
Thirty years from now it won't matter what shoes you wore,
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