Given that you have a host running Windows on network,
it might be infected with a 'spam' trojan. These are
little, home-made, obscure trojans that usually are
not caught by the anti-virus. These trojans keep
sending spam at regular intervals can cause obvious
problems. The solution too is obvious: Locate the
windows box that's sending these mails and then check
the processes running on it and kill the suspicious
ones. A Google search for the suspicious process can
be greatly helpful in ascertaining which files and
registry entries are to be removed to completely
banish the trojan outta your Windows machine. 

Or, if your SMTP server is misconfigured someone over
the Internet might be using it to forge mails and send
them anywhere in the world. You may configure it
properly. I don't know how to do that, so can't say


 > hello all,
> >
> > we have a qmail based mail server, and recently it
> is showing lots of
> > outgoing mails (some kind of spam which is using
> our server as
> > relayserver). The allowed IP list in /etc/tcp.smtp
> is very restricted. What
> > could be the cause of this issue, and suggested
> possible remedies.
> which qmail version are you running?

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