On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 09:27:40 +0100 (BST), Gurinder Singh
> Given that you have a host running Windows on network,
> it might be infected with a 'spam' trojan. These are
> little, home-made, obscure trojans that usually are
> not caught by the anti-virus. These trojans keep
> sending spam at regular intervals can cause obvious
> problems. 

at linux-delhi, we strive to make things more understandable using
demonstrative techniques and/or realworld case studies.
for example, all newbies are invited to the sunday meet of ilug-d,
after which we shall all head to priya or another cinema hall, to
understand the origins of the trojan horse metaphor through the new,
epic film, 'TROY'

a few historians also debate on whether the trojans were the first to
unwittingly coin the term "last mile connectivity" given how they
reciprocated to the generous offer of the greeks/spartans with such a
high-bandwidth and high-payload bundle.

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