On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 13:49, Kunal Singhal (Linux) wrote:
> 1. I want to do a fresh installation of Linux. So, for LTSP should I use Fedora Core 
> 1 or 2 OR a stable version like Red Hat 8/9.
Either will do. But for your office work it is recommended that you go
for stable RH9 etc...

> 2. I tried booting 5 different systems in my office using LTSP. 4 of them 
> succesfully booted, but none of them booted to the GUI screen. All gave an error 
> that XFree86 is not able to load the driver. I used "auto" and the screen type in 
> settings. Out of those 2 have Intel 810 graphics and remaining 2 have SiS 6326 and 
> Cirrus Logic Displays.
Settings for X (GUI) are difficult. Try setting the line for display
driver for the workstation in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf to:
XSERVER = vesa

Secondly running X is matter of display card, monitor and vid-memory.
Tell more about hardware for solutions. SiS are notorious for no support
to Linux.
Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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