I have read that the patches to RH 8.0 are available to make it compatible
to a security enhanced level where even the root does not have access to
everything on the system. The SE-Linux project aims at this and more. SE
stands for "Security Enhanced".

Check out the following
http://www.securityenhancedlinux.com/downloads/downloads.htm for downloads
of specific kernel patches
http://www.securityenhancedlinux.com/ These guys provide a website
documenting some features and provide a distro
http://sourceforge.net/projects/selinux/ You can track the developments here
http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/index.cfm Yes the US National Security Agency
initiated the project and here is the project home page

BTW:    That is precisely the point of FLOSS. Even the most absurd
requirements will find more than one equally eccentric solutions.

----- Original Message -----

Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it possible to create an email account on sendmail
notreadable by root/SA ??
>     Amit> --- anil bindal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     >> Pl. advise.. Is it possible to have an email account in
>     >> sendmail on RH which even SA /root can not access ?
>     >>
>     >> I am serious.. my CEO wants it..
>     >>
>     >> Regards,
>     >>
>     >> anil

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