-----Original Message-----
From: Raj Mathur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 6:36 AM
To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
Subject: Re: [ilugd] touchtel dsl model: xavi x7005q

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Sudev" == Sudev Barar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sudev> On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 18:11, Linux Lingam wrote:
    >> touchtel dsl model: xavi x7005q, how does this modem work on
    >> touchtel dsl line under redhat9? can't get it to work.

Umm, did you ask Touchtel whether it'll work with Linux or not before
you took the connection?  I didn't take up Dishnet DSL, oh so many
years ago, precisely because their DSL modem wasn't supported under

    Sudev> look at eciadsl.flashtux.org if it is not listed there then
    Sudev> chances are it does not work :-( -- Sudev Barar Learning
    Sudev> Linux

(Google rocks, doesn't it? :) seems to indicate that some Fujitsu
driver MAY work.  Worth a try, otherwise buy the router from Touchtel.
Or better yet, sue them for not making their connection work with your


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
                      It is the mind that moves

May be I am wrong but as per my info TouchTel provides two types of 
modem for DSL users. 
1.Ethernet modem 

I don't remember the model name. But the Ethernet modem the Touchtel 
provides have the capability of PPOE type connectivity which woks with 
linux pretty well.

Even Better the Ethernet modem allows you to just connect to router by 
making default route as the IP of the  Modem.  i.e. modem will itself 
act as a modem + Router ( NAT enabled)

The USB Modem sucks with all types of problems with both windows and 
linux. Touchtel itself is now *recommending * the Ethernet modem

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