Hi all

Raj Mathur wrote:
"Raj" == Raj Shekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Raj> Hello all, Will the ILUGD be making any donations to the
    Raj> tsunami relief ?  I think it would be a good idea if instead
    Raj> of making individual donations to the relief funds, we pool
    Raj> our resources together .
Are you willing to coordinate the effort of getting stuff together for
the tsunami relief?  If you are, we should aim at getting all the
stuff into one place by tomorrow (1st) evening latest.

    Raj> Does anyone know of any (honest) agencies that will be
    Raj> willing to take medicines etc. and ship it to the affected
    Raj> areas ?  Failing which, making a donation to the PM fund
    Raj> seems to be the most prudent action.

Wouldn't the PM Fund just go into bureaucrats' and politicians'
pockets?  Reuben Abraham has made a verified list of agencies that are
providing legitimate aid available at:


Of these, the Red Cross seems to be the simplest and closest to donate
to.  I don't know whether they'll accept money (cheques, cash, etc) --
can someone find out?

Got this link from the above page: http://www.indianredcross.org/donation.html

Heres what it says:

        You are requested to transfer your donation and contribution to         
        our FCRA A/c. The details are as follows: -

        FCRA A/c. No. 01000 - 440437
        SWIFT NO. NIN BBA 104
        MAIN BRANCH,
        NEW DELHI - 110 001.

That means we can just wire transfer it into the account nos mentioned above.I know my bank, UTI, provides this service.

What we can do, is to transfer contributions(from cheques, cash, wire transfer) into one account, and on a set deadline transfer the collected amount to the above swift no.

Otherwise people can make drafts as mentioned(from the link above)
below, and send them directly:

If you are in India, you are requested to send your contributions by way of Cheque or DD in favour of "SECRETARY GENERAL, INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY, NEW DELHI - 1", payable at New Delhi.

        We assure you that your contributions will be utilised in the
        rehabilitation of the people who are affected by any disaster.

        The contributions are exempted under section 80G of the Income
        Tax Act, 1961.

    Raj> What do you all think ? Do we make individual donations or a
    Raj> group donations (as members of ILUGD) ?
I'm OK with either.  I was planning to donate some money anyway, would
be glad to do it under the ILUGD banner.
Same here
The question is, whose account do we consolidate the contributions in?

Shehjar Tikoo
Sarai Program
WWW: http://users.sarai.net/~shehjar
BLOG: http://blog.sarai.net/users/shehjar

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