
It seems that there is some confusion about the prices being charged for entering the LinuxAsia 2004. I checked the prices today (http://www.linuxasia2005.com/attendee/reg_att_c.php) and there is no entry fees for the "Expo/Job Fair Pass" . I remember that this is the way it was arranged last year too.

The reason why I am mentioning this is because some people are under the impression that you have pay a good sum of money to even enter the LA2005 event, while LA2004 had free entry for all. from what I can see on the website, it is still the same (or is there a fine print thing I missed out ?)

Hence, if you are planning to volunteer for the ILUGD stall, you can register yourself for the free pass thing.

Secondly, there are rumors that ILUGD has been promised a hall (beside a space for the stall) on the last day of the conference which will be put to use to demo $THINGS. Anyone has any concrete info about this ?

,-.___,-.  Raj Shekhar
\_/_ _\_/  System Administrator, programmer and  slacker
  )O_O(    home : http://rajshekhar.net
 { (_) }   blog : http://rajshekhar.net/blog/
  `-^-'    work : http://netphotograph.com

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