Hi Rajesh
I know that Its not Jakarta Tomcat mail list.I have tried on jakarta
mailing list also.But could not find proper solution of my problem.Many
of us working on tomcat and apache.Thats why I am here with this

On Fri, 2005-07-08 at 12:29, Rajesh Thiharie wrote:
> You need to go look at 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tomcat-user%40jakarta.apache.org/
> This is not a Jakarta Tomcat mail list.
> > ------- Original Message -------
> > I am working on RedHat 9.0.I am using apache 2.0.40-21 ,JDK-1.5.0_03-fcs
> > and jakarta tomct 5.5.9.
> > Everything is running fine.Tomcat is running on localhost:8080.I am
> > trying to connect my apache web server with tomcat.For this I am using
> > mod_jk2.so module as a connector.So I load this module in httpd.conf
> > files's LoadModule section and restart the httpd demon.I define a
> > virtual host with 
> > 
> > <IfModule mod_jk.c>
> >         JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> >         JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> >         JkMount /servlets/* ajp13
> > </IfModule>
> > 
> > this directive.Document root of this in in /home/musiccra folder.I also
> > define the Host tag in server.xml file with proper context and apbsase  
> > and  also configured the /etc/httpd/conf/workers2.properties file.
> > 
> > Whenever I browse the domain it show the "Internal Server Error. The
> > server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
> > to complete your request. "
> > 
> > I have doubt that I am not  configuring the workers2.properties file.
> > syntax of my workers2.properties file is 
> > 
> > [channel.socket:sbtmusiccrawler.net:8009]
> > port=8009
> > host=
> >                                                                             
> >                                                  
> > [ajp13:sbtmusiccrawler.net:8009]
> > channel=channel.socket:sbtmusicrawler.net:8009
> >                                                                             
> >                                                  
> > [uri:sbtmusiccrawler.net:80/*]
> > worker=ajp13:localhost:8009
> > 
> > I am trying a lot to configure it.But did not got any output.So any body
> > who has done it please help me.
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