SWAPNIL wrote:

> My squid uses 98 % CPU and my swap space is not getting utilized at all; 

This should not be happening.  Squid is a I/O bound process and it
should not be using so much memory.  How long has this been going on ?
Has it shown this behavior since the day it was installed ?

You should check the /var/log/squid/cache.log file to find any error
messages. Another method of debugging the problem would be to do stop
squid and then start it from the command line with verbose option.  i.e.
first stop squid (by doing `service squid stop`) next from the command
prompt do a `squid -N -d 3` and try to see what the messages are when
usage hits 85% . Post these messages back to this list, then the
diagnosis would become easier

> My RAM is of 256 MB, while booting it shows me 256 MB but in linux it just 
> shows me 128 MB

The problem might be in the RAM itself.  Remove the new RAM and check if
the machine boots up.  Now, remove the older RAM and check if the
machine boots up and functions properly.  Put the RAM in a different
slot and check -- put in some newer RAM and see if the problem still

Raj Shekhar                        Y!IM : lunatech3007
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