On Wednesday 31 Aug 2005 1:26 pm, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> On Wednesday, 31 Aug 2005 12:25 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> > hi
> > can anyone who has used both moinmoin and mediawiki give a heads
> > up on the comparative performance of the two - i am interested in
> > ease of use for the end user, security and configurability. Yes,
> > i have STFWed, but would like to have an opinion from the
> > practical point of view
> I have used both(last looked at mediawiki late last year) and I
> prefer moinmoin for the finegrained security possible in it.
> moinmoin allows you have not only site wide ACLs, but you can also
> tailor the ACL for a particular page. If you manage a wiki where
> there are one or more pages which you would like to keep under your
> control (e.g. the frontpage), moin would be a better choice.

a clarification - in moin can you have some pages as non-editable? 
Secondly, how is the revert feature? as far as i can see, if a 
spammer hits a page, and someone else edits it after that, it is not 
possible to revert to what it was previous to the spam.

tally ho! http://avsap.org.in
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