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The International Open Source Network (IOSN), a UNDP-APDIP project is
looking for qualified organisations to act as a regional node in South
Asia.  I'm enclosing the original message(s).

In the meantime, some of us met up yesterday and discussed whether
it's feasible for us (ILUG-Delhi) to do it and what we could look at
doing if it is.  The conclusions we came to are that it's feasible and
we should apply for node-hood.  Some of the ideas that came up are
(translated from Mary's notes, so necessarily obscure):

Can we sustain any initiative we start beyond the 1.5 years that the
funding would be available for?  Do we need to only look at projects
that can show results in 1.5 years or should we look at longer-term
projects too?

Question of infrastructure based practice or loosely structured.  Do
we need to get infrastructure in place or can we manage with minimal
stuff?  My feeling is that we can manage without much infrastructure.

Possible initiatives
- --------------------

* Multilingual courseware - with active participation with the clients

* Font design - via competitions with independent jury

* Supporting Linux initiatives in local colleges/schools via workshops

* Training in floss technologies ((non)commercial)

* Events

* Research
    * OCR, MT, speech <-> text
    * GIS and local applications
    * UI and domain specific apps
      * self hosted documentation cds etc
      * libraries, multimedia practice

* Connecting community projects with possible candidates

* Help NGOS advocate linux
  * distributing cds
  * writing articles --> posters, newsletters etc

* FOSS support in the region

One thing came up very clearly -- no one would be paid except for
project-related expenses (e.g. paying a member for conducting
training, etc.) so that we can make best use of the money.  All other
work would have to be voluntary (possibly accompanied by screams of
pain :)

Gora Mohanty is fleshing out a template proposal and Kishore is
working out a top-level expenses breakdown to be attached.

Thoughts, ideas, offers of support welcome.  The next meeting will be
announced Real Soon Now.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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Original Message

From: Sunil Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [india-gii] UNDP/APDIP/IOSN Sub-regional Nodes - Extension of
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 23:00:25 +0530


Extension of deadline for receiving expressions of interest to manage a 
sub-regional node of the International Open Source Network.

This is with regard to our earlier announcement, appended below and also 
available from here:- www.iosn.net/about/news/regional-nodes-request
We have received some requests [at FOSSAP II and by email] for extension of 
deadline. In response to these requests, the deadline for receiving expressions 
of interest has been revised from 20 September 2005 to 10 October 2005. We hope 
this will give everyone sufficient time.

We would also like to use this opportunity to answer some of the questions that 
accompanied the requests.

QUESTION 1: How much money will UNDP/APDIP/IOSN provide to the sub-regional 

UNDP/APDIP/IOSN will provide up-to USD 75,000 for the project period - January 
2006 to June 2007. Apart from financial support UNDP/APDIP/IOSN will also 
provide technical and incubation support. Additional funds required by the 
sub-regional node could be raised from other donors.
        QUESTION 2: What is the scope of work for the sub-regional node.

The node is expected to replicate IOSN's activities at a sub-regional level. 
Very broadly these activities involve - community building, publications, 
trainings, events, micro-grants and research. You can learn more about our 
activities from www.iosn.net. But this should only serve as a general 
guideline. The exact scope of work can only be finalised in consultation with 
the selected organisation. 
        QUESTION 3: What about institutional approvals?

We understand that for some large organisations, institutional approvals cannot 
be secured within the aforementioned deadline. We would like to request these 
organisations to submit the expression of interest "in principle". 
Institutional approval can be secured at a later date.

Request for expression of interest to manage a sub-regional node of the 
International Open Source Network

UNDP-APDIP would like to bring to your attention this request for expression of 
interest to initiate and manage a sub-regional node of the International Open 
Source Network with the guidance of UNDP-APDIP. Please submit your expression 
of interest by 20 September 2005 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are looking for three partners to manage three sub-regional nodes in the 
Asia-Pacific region. These nodes can possibly be called Ã��¢Ã¯Â¿Â½Ã¯Â¿Â½IOSN 
South AsiaÃ��¢Ã¯Â¿Â½Ã¯Â¿Â½, Ã��¢Ã¯Â¿Â½Ã¯Â¿Â½IOSN ASEAN+3Ã��¢Ã¯Â¿Â½Ã¯Â¿Â½, and 
Ã��¢Ã¯Â¿Â½Ã¯Â¿Â½IOSN Pacific Island CountriesÃ��¢Ã¯Â¿Â½Ã¯Â¿Â½. The list of 
countries that would fall under each sub-regional node and which are, 
therefore, eligible to submit an expression of interest is given below.

Ideally, we are looking for a government agency, academic institution or civil 
society organization with a proven track record in Free/Open Source Software 
(FOSS) development, research, deployment, and advocacy. The candidate 
organization must be able to internalize sub-regional needs and priorities in 
FOSS and design and implement a programme that is truly needs-based. 

Primary Research Focus: The sub-regional nodes will undertake research 
activities in three primary focus areas, namely, Open Content, Open Standards 
and Open Source. This could be accomplished via the establishment of research 
teams or Ã��¢Ã¯Â¿Â½Ã¯Â¿Â½cellsÃ��¢Ã¯Â¿Â½Ã¯Â¿Â½ within each sub-regional 
facility. Besides a small core staff, these teams/cells could include 
volunteers and/or consultants who will collaborate across a wide spectrum of 
activities such as data collection, research, analysis, authoring and review. 
We believe this will encourage other institutions from the public and volunteer 
sectors to undertake serious research into various aspects and implications of 
FOSS for the developing world.  The primary focus of research for each 
sub-region could be:

        IOSN South Asia -- Open Content
        IOSN ASEAN +3 -- OpenStandards
        IOSN Pacific Island Countries -- Open Source
Secondary Research Focus: Apart from the primary research focus area mentioned 
above, each sub-regional node could also conduct research on specific areas of 
FOSS application where either software or human resources are unavailable in 
the Asia-Pacific region. Many of these focus areas were identified during the 
first Free/Open Source Software Asia Pacific (FOSSAP) consultation held in 
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2004. 

IOSN has already produced some research outputs in connection with a few areas 
such as Localization. But additional concerted and specialized research is 
required in, for example, e-Learning; health; finance; e-governance; geographic 
information system (GIS); and multimedia. Perhaps the proposed sub-regional 
centres could focus as follows:

        IOSN South Asia -- e-Learning
        IOSN ASEAN+3 -- Health, Finance and e-Governance
        IOSN Pacific Island Countries -- GIS, Earth Science, and   
        Multimedia Imaging and Publishing
IOSN Portal: The IOSN portal <http://www.iosn.net> serves as a comprehensive, 
online resource centre providing information on FOSS, FOSS news, wikis, blogs, 
and online discussion forums, and acts as a means for the FOSS community to 
collaborate and interact. It is co-managed by IOSN and FOSS advocates 
throughout the region and all three sub-regional nodes will partake in its 
management in the areas of their expertise and specialization. 

Each selected sub-regional node will be designated as a UNDP-APDIP Centre of 
Excellence on FOSS.

UNDP-APDIP will provide seed financing, incubation services for 12-18 months, 
initial hosting services for the IOSN portal, as well as official affiliation 
with UNDP-APDIP. Each sub-regional node will also receive overall guidance, 
support and management assistance by IOSN and UNDP-APDIP in delivering its 

Information concerning IOSN, is provided here and can also be found at 

Expressions of interest are treated confidentially and should be sent no later 
than September 20, 2005 by email to the manager of IOSN, Mr. Sunil Abraham, at 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and include the following information in no more than 16 

A brief profile of your organization, including vision, objectives, programmes, 
projects, activities and a brief summary of achievements. Also include key data 
regarding infrastructure and human resources and annex the legal act/statutes 
establishing your organization. Finally, include key financial information such 
as sources of funding and financial sustainability. (Maximum 3 pages)
A description of your institutional expertise/experience with regard to FOSS, 
along with brief (8-10 lines) description of each major FOSS-related 
project/programme undertaken so far. (Maximum 4 pages)
     1. A description of your linkages and connections with government 
agencies, civil society organizations, academic organizations, GNU/Linux User 
Groups, Free Software Foundations and other FOSS researchers and practitioners. 
(Maximum 2 pages)
     2. The ideas and expectations you would bring to the implementation and 
future development of the information service, the resources your organization 
would be able to contribute in the medium- and long-term, and a suggested 
time-frame for transitioning the service, including management of the IOSN 
portal for the sub-region, and in making it sustainable. (Maximum 6 pages)
     3. A brief profile of the individual that would lead this effort in your 
organization and any other possible members of the team. (Maximum 1 page)
NOTE: Expressions of interest will be entertained only from institutions and 
not individuals.  We will acknowledge receipt of all expressions of interest by 
email but contact only those organizations we take further interest in.

List of Countries for South Asia
        Sri Lanka
List of Countries for ASEAN +3
Brunei Darussalam
        Democratic People's Republic of Korea
        Republic of Korea
        Lao PDR
        Timor Leste
        Viet Nam
List of Countries for the Pacific
        Cook Islands
        Federated States of Micronesia
        French Polynesia
        New Caledonia
        New Zealand
        Papua New Guinea
        Republic of Marshall Islands
        Solomon Islands
        Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands
Sunil Abraham   Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.iosn.net  
International Open Source Network - Software Freedom for All
Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme www.apdip.net
Thailand:UNDP Regional Centre, United Nations Service Building
         3rd Floor, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
         Tel:  (66-2) 288-1234 Fax: (66-2) 288-3032 
India   :3rd Floor, 314/1, 7th Cross, Domlur Bangalore - 560 071
         Karnataka, India. Mob: (91) 9342201521
         Tel: (91-80) 51150580 Fax: (91-80) 51150583.  

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Event: Freedel 2005, 17th & 18th September, 2005 - http://freedel.in

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