     I am sure no amount of last min mugging will help you . But  at
same time I have seen lots of interviewers resorting to standard
esoteric questions ;)(I don't know about Linux/Sysad interviews but
yeah for prgming language based interview) .These are questions which
you will rarely come across and most of these could be found out by
looking up the language spec/google/api docs . So if you  scan thru
these interviews friendly question list I am sure it inc your chances
of getting through . It's similar to going through most proable
questions before an examination (which I am sure most of us wud have
done in our days) or people resorting to last n yr question papers .
But you still need to know the subject to pass the examination . And
if the guy is not good enugh he will anyhow fail at job so you cannot
beat the system :) . It doesnot hurt to be little paragmatic and
renounce holier than thou attitude :D

Somedays you're the dog, and some day's you're the hydrant

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