Hi Gora G,

Gora Mohanty wrote:
> That is probably exactly the problem. When I was faced with this issue,
> this is what I figured out. However, BOM should work independent of
> any HTTP specifications. Maybe I am wrong, but I thought that BOM
> should override the HTTP specification. In any case, there is a
> definite problem.

If BOM is also considered after encoding is resolved (from webserver's HTTP 
response), then what is the use of webserver's HTTP response. BOM should only 
used when u don't have any other identification mechanisms, given last chance.

>> But according to me, only a document knows in what encoding it is
>> encoded, therefore document's encoding should be given priority.
> I completely agree. As UTF-8 is a superset of Basic Latin, there is no
> argument other than the already-biased-against-non-English-languages
> one of efficiency. Bug your hosting providers to change their server
> configuration.

It is really very silly mistake by Dave Raggett, Arnaud Le Hors, Ian Jacobs 
editors of HTML 4.01 specification).

Any reasons in support of Konqueror's extra intelligence ?? It fails, in case 
somebody expects rendering error, and Konqueror renders the document perfectly.

Well this world still works on ISO-8859-1, even most of the mails in this 
newsgroup are encoded in ISO-8859-1, some of the Apache (the organization that 
xdocs are is ISO-8859-1 what's is the use of bugging hosting providers ;-) . I 
think it should be like, you're not forced to use a particular encoding, but 
drafts should be standardized after thorough testing, so that we can enjoy 
freedom in true sense.

Thanks in advance,
Ashish Shukla
आशीष शुक्ला alias "Wah Java !!"

The only key to optimal life is precision.

                                -- Ashish Shukla "Wah Java !!"

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