--- Manpreet Singh Nehra

> Not intrested in starting a flame war, but I ahve
> been pondering over
> this question for quiet some time.
> I need to decide on whether to use RHEL4 or Debian
> Sarge on a LAMP
> server. Few parameters on the choice
> 1. I am comfortable to equal level with RH and
> Debian Sarge. So its not
> a question of Comfort.
> 2. Security?
> 3. Bug Fixes?
> 4. Frequency of updates?
> The other options is OpenBSD but I still have to go
> over the apache2.0
> -1.3 issue, whether I can live
> with apache 1.3 or not

Security - This is a big subject. With either, you can
never say that you are entirely secure. There may
always be bugs and there may always be security
vulnerabilities. To me, you should start with looking
at what do you want to secure, and then secure that.
There is a trade off between security and convenience.

2.  Bugs - Every once in a while bugs come out. I am
not sure I saw any company giving out software with a
label "Bug free". There may be performance bench marks
available to look at what will work better in a given
environment than other. I have seen various flavors of
Linux (commercial and non commercial) being used in
production. You may also want to look at if there may
be any compatibility issues with other hardware / OS
or availability of certain drivers if you need them.

3. Frequency of updates - depends if you have security
issue or performance issue or no issue, just wanting
to apply updates as soon as they come out?

4.  Apache - I have not seen too many security issues
coming out with 2.x recently, but you never know.
Given a choice, I would go for 2.x version.


-- Naresh

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