Hi Abhishek,

I checked the mails after a long time so my suggestions are late. Anyways I 
hope it helps.


Dear Friends,
I again have a question(looks like i have a lot of questions:) )
I need  a shell script run as a cron to do the following task,
1)Do 'ps -ef' or with other arguments of 'ps '  and see whether a
particular  process is executing. Pl. tell me what are the best parameters
of 'ps' to search for a particular process
2) If yes do nothing.
3)If no runs that same process.
 4)Logs all messages to a file
5)Logs all error messages to another file.
I am a novice at shell script.
Pl. help me give some inputs , regarding the best parameters /arguments of
'ps' and whas the method of logging error and normal messages.
Abhishek Jain


In situations like above, I prefer to let cron do the job of launching as 
scheduled at regular intervals.

I would let the script check if any previous instance is running. If there 
is no previous instance then continue else exit gracefuly

echo "Starting script at `date`"
if [ -f /var/run/script.lck ]; then
echo "Old Lock file found"
if [ -z "`ps -ef | grep $PID1 | grep -v grep`" ]; then
echo "Looks previous instance exited uncleanly"
echo $$ > /var/run/script.lck
echo "Starting new instance"
echo "Previous instance already running"
exit 1
echo $$ > /var/run/script.lck
echo "Starting new instance"


and at the end

rm -f /var/run/script.lck

cron can redirect the output and errors from the script to separate files.


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