On 12:50:33 am 06/28/06 "आशीष शुक्ला \"Wah Java   
!!\""  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Q. Is there anything like printing integrated (means users can print
> directly from apps) in applications (which are written from scratch
> e.g. a "Hello, World" application that want to print "Hello, World"
> text inside a rectangle, and only linked to glibc), 

No, because printing is not something covered by the C standard, or
that for most programming languages. Use a toolkit, like QT or GTK.
If you know the native format for the printer (e.g., Postscript/PCL
or whatever), and how it is hooked up to the machine, you can open
the printer device in your program, generate a file in the appropriate
format using a library like netpbm, and send it to the printer

> Q. How to discover printers ?
> Q. And, what if tomorrow some new printing backend (like CUPS) comes,
> then how is that going to plug-in to existing apps ? Do existing apps
> need to be made aware of that backend ?

Of course any existing applications would need to be reworked for
a new framework, unless the new framework had some backward
compatibility mode.


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