On 06/07/06, "आशीष शुक्ला \"Wah Java !!\"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, the problem is that when any user working on Mozilla Firefox crashes (or
> shutdown uncleanly), the ".nfsxxxxx" file doesn't get cleaned, and remains in
> the home directories. So next when he starts Mozilla Firefox, an error window
> pops up saying "Another instance of Firefox is running". So at present, I've 
> to
> manually remove the ".nfsxxxx" file from server. I'm running NFSv3.

That is strange. I thought the only way firefox checks for an instance
running is by looking for the "lock" file in your firefox profile

So, in this case, if you delete the .nfsxxx file, firefox runs normally?

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya
sandipb (at) sandipb.net
Work: http://bangalore.yahoo.com        Home: http://www.sandipb.net

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  • Re: [ilugd] How... Sandip Bhattacharya

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