Hello members,

I have edubuntu 6.06 on my system.

1.) I am learning php therefore i have installed apache2.0 through synaptic
on my system together with php. My working directory is /home/webapps/ , now
when i execute my pages through  http://localhost/webapps/index.php or any
other html file i get a error "you donot have permissions to view this file
     I have a slight idea that i have to edit the httpd.conf or
apache2.conffile and change Allow deny,all and other stuff but dont
know the exact
statements.please provide me the necessary statements,any suggestions are


"My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If
you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and
became Picasso." Pablo Picasso.
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