Hi All,
I have a Redhat Enterprise linux 4.0 with two NICs on a DL320, 32 bit 
arch HP server.
Problem is every reboot the interface eth0 flips over to the other 
physical interface and then i have to physically  move the cable to 
other interface.

I get the following on console.
 Nov  8 12:29:40 servername ifup: Device eth0 has different MAC address 
than expected, ignoring.

What i have tried:
1. By specifying the HWADDR keyword in ifcfg-eth0 but no luck.
2. i have also tried putting BOOTPROTO=none and placing the 
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:0B:CD:4E:31:C1 in /etc/rc.d/rc/local
and then restart the network interface as told at

but still same problem.

The both NIC is NetXtreme BCM5702X Gigabit Ethernet.

Any pointer/hack would be highly appreciated.


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