Rashid Akhter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Shic can you help us in getting the 
problem solved.

IMHO its not a problem.
Just do the following: -
a) Download Curl. It can be found here --> 
b) Untar the tarball like so: 
$ tar zxvf curl-7.16.1.tar.gz
c) go into the curl source tree that would have got created by above.
$ cd curl-7.16.1
d) run configure
$ ./configure
e) If you dont encounter any errors in above step, you can safely run make
$ make
f) If the package builds without any errors (99.9% of the time it does), then 
you can go into the tests directory and run the test harness
$ cd tests
$ make test
Here you might see lotsa data flowing across the screen which will culminate 
with a test report.
g) Now get back and become root and install it system wide
$ su -
# cd /path-to-curl-source-tree/curl-7.16.1 (dont copy paste, it wont work)
# make install
h) Now tell the OS where to find the libraries
# vi /etc/ld.so.conf
press 'o' to get into insert mode and append a new blank line
press :x to save and exit
# ldconfig
# ctl-d
$ look into the doc directory of curl tree, you should see a directory called 
get inside and type make
it will respond with done.
now if you do an ls -la, you should see both the source files as well as the 
binaries for some common examples.
try the https example
and then open up the source and feel free to use the code to achieve whatever 
it is that you wanted to do in the first place.( dont you just love open 
dont forget to use the -libcurl switch while compiling your code.

You might also want to install the rpms or debs directly from your favorite 
package manager but my crystal ball cannot tell what distro you're on. so ill 
leave that as weekend assignment for you.

Hope the above helps. 


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