Hi friends,

Pls allow me to clarify.

1. We had informed most speakers in advance about Microsoft's presence,
and sponsors too. At least all who had signed in after the deal.

2. We never intended to hide the fact. We had mentioned the possibility of
Microsoft coming in as a sponsor even during our first meeting with ilug-D
officials. And yes, we had agreed to not have Microsoft sponsor the Tech
track is ILUG-D was there with us, but since that deal fell apart, we did
not push that clause with Microsoft.

3. No topic or theme got changed after Microsoft came in. Infact some
topics were tightened to promote Linux/OSS--which you can simply guage
from the copy of our ads in ET.


Interestingly, the para selected for the discussion SEEMS TO BE A GREAT
EXAMPLE OF SELECTIVE EDITING. No URL for this story was provided for all
of us to view the complete story.

Our PR agency recently sent us press-clippings of LinuxAsia. A story
published in ET (Delhi) seems to be same as the one stated to be from ET


I am pasting the original piece (and the URL) with IMP sections marked by
"*****". PLEASE READ IT. I feel this news item itself indicates that
Linux/OSS emerged as a strong contender (and Microsoft's presence proved
it). Looks like we won't need to send those letters/emails to the editors
and journos....

----- story starts here -------

Publication             :       The Economic Times
Edition                 :       Online
Date                    :       January 31, 2007

MS to debut at Linux Asia 2007
(remarks: this seems to be very different from the stated title, "MS takes
linux world by storm")


***** If you can't beat them why not join them. This could well be
Microsoft's new mantra. *****
(Remarks: It seems to us that Linux/OSS emerged stronger--right from the

For the first time ever Redmond Giant Microsoft will be rubbing shoulders
with its arch rival, the Penguin (Linux mascot) at Linux Asia 2007. For
quite some time Microsoft has been concerned about the growing open source
movement, the increasing appeal and adoption of Linux in enterprise
servers and by governments.

****** Participation in the Linux party, starting on Wednesday in the
national capital, attests to the fact that Microsoft is worried about
competition from the open source community. *******

In the last several years Microsoft has been facing the heat from its
smaller rivals. Many like Google are seen as thought leaders of the
internet era, and not Microsoft, one of the world's largest commercial
software vendor.

***** Participating in Linux Asia is seen by experts as Microsoft's bid to
ensure that it is not isolated in some of the fastest growing markets for
software in the world. *****

When asked about its participation in Linux Asia Microsoft said that the
company will try to educate clients and communicate about its new stance
towards open source. Radhesh Balakrishnan, director, platform strategy,
Microsoft told ET, ``open source software is turning commercial and
commercial software is becoming more open to open source. We believe that
interoperability between the two is the way to the future. People have
created a myth in the minds of clients that the world can work only either
on open source or on commercial software. Rather than being carried over
by rhetoric, clients should rather look at lowering TCO (Total Cost Of
Ownership). According to a Frost & Sullivan study, Windows offers 15.9%
lower TCO than Linux on server side."
(Remarks: this is the only para that was chosen for this discussion)

****** Microsoft Windows market share is going on a roller coaster ride
thanks to Linux. *****
(Remarks: did Linux/OSS lose at all????)

According to IDC Windows accounted for 68.1%, 65.3%, 69.5% and 68.2% of
the total x86 servers shipped in India in Q3 2005, Q4 2005, Q1 2006 and Q2
2006, respectively.

Open source supporters have long accused Microsoft of security flaws but
Microsoft counters that. "Microsoft also has a record of patching up
vulnerabilities in one-third of the time compared to Linux. You need to
pay to get security updates in Linux whereas in Windows its free," Mr
Balakrishnan said.

Adds Sandeep Menon, Forum for Open Source Initiative in India (FOSII) and
director of Linux business for Novell West Asia: "Microsoft's decision to
participate in the Linux Asia 2007 for the first time shows maturity on
its part. It indicates that the industry cannot operate without open
source and has become its integral part."

Nevertheless, Microsoft did face apprehensions from the Linux Asia
organisers on expressing intent to participate. "They inquired about our
intent behind the interest to participate. We told them we wanted to
bridge the two worlds and educate clients," Mr Menon said. When contacted
by ET, Linux vendor Red Hat, refused to comment.
-------- message truncataed ---------

We do not believe we have erred--though we do agree to disagree, and
appreciate the point of view of those who have a different point of view.
We truly appreciate the efforts of those who supported us and those who

Through this open and healthy discussion, we DO NOT intend to sound
apologetic, but walk the talk of 'engaging' the community and sharing our

Hope this helps...


Rahul Chopra
Editor LINUX For You & Member, FOSII.org

PS: Interestingly, I CANNOT find any news item on the ET website with the
title "MS takes linux world by storm"...can you?

Must add, I did try to google this title....there's one find...of an ET
entry...same date...but no news turns up...just the statement stating...

>> Page not found
The page you have requested might no longer exist, has had its name
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