Gaurav Mishra wrote:

>>    Greetings to all, We are hosting a Linux Installfest in our
>> Bi-Yearly Technical fest Jagriti. In which we are going to install
>> Ubuntu edgy along with multimedia Capabilities and some hand picked
>> software(which can be done as the person requests) on the
>> participant`s PC`s .

Good job. All the best. :-) You mentioned something about ILUG Delhi
membership forms. What are those?

>> We have also planned to make it a central access point to access our
>> famous and infamous internal ftp servers which would enabled users to
>> get a huge pool of Entertainment resources.

On a curious note. What do these FTP servers serve?

G. Karunakar wrote:

> It might be good to consider altleast 2-3 distros in an install fest..
>  say Fedora, Debian, Centos or anyother as per availability.
> [need to try different distributions...]
> multimedia capabilities seems to be the above ojbective. Ubuntu CDs
> maybe readily available.. FC6, Debian would need burning few DVDs..

As part of GLUG-NITH ( I would like to stick my
neck in and say that we have the multiple Fedora Core 6 repositories
mirrored on our campus LAN. They are globally available too, but we do
not want to publicise them as official mirrors due to bandwidth
constraints, though we may do so in the future. Any way you may find them
Right now you will find Fedora Core (i386 & x86_64), Fedora Updates (i386),
Fedora Extras (i386 to be finished soon) and ATRPMs Stable (i386). We may
get the x86_64 versions too if there is enough demand.

We are also in the process of mirroring the GNU FTP site (almost done)
and the "main" and "universe" sections of the Ubuntu Dapper repositories.
Fiesty packages will follow after this.

We would be happy to help you with CDs/DVDs of Fedora, Ubuntu, and the
repositories if you wish. However in that case it would be good if we can
discuss these things further either on our mailing list
( or on IRC
(#glug-nith on We are usually there whenever there is
no class, ie. after 17:30 hours.

husband    v. use sparingly; conserve; save
husbandry  n. frugality; thrift; agriculture

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