
While I am sure there are a million other places where this issue might 
be raised, this forum seems to be just as good as any to moan about 
BOSS-nrsfoss stuff.

Does anyone know why the open source distro that the c-dac guys are 
putting together is shut down behind such closed doors ? They seem to 
have no functional mailing list, the irc channel gets almost zero 
traffic and there is no timeline / feature scope docs or anything of 
that nature online at all. So who is doing what / when / why / and how 
can others get involved and help ?

Is it a case of a few people at cdac just being paid to work on whatever 
they like, and do so with whatever communications means they prefer ( I 
bet since they are single location based, most comms is face to face and 
on classic desi style - on paper )

Maybe someone just needs to go knock on their door and tell them how 
this sort of a thing should be done ? Or then just wrap up the open 
source side of things, and say its an internal cdac project and everyone 
else can just go get lost.


- KB
Karanbir Singh : : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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