
I'm trying to figure out what this name embodies.

"Freed" elicits, atleast in me, notions of a bunch of
previously subjugated people now unshackled by
something.  Not necessarily with respect to FOSS. It
could be a revolt, a coup de etat or whatever. Freed
2007 would make a great libertarian conference, going
by names alone. 

Secondly, a name with only one syllable? Really? I
would think it would garner lesser attention spans
than other words.

So my question is to whatever team that came up with
the word - why Freed? Whats the raison d' etre, if you
will, behind the name? I'm not saying you go for
"FITS" , or change the name btw - before overeager
keyboard junkies start stomping on my case. I'm sure
there were other names on the table - what were those?
And I'm not quite sure what the cloak and dagger-esque
discussions were about - appreciate inputs on that


Viksit Gaur           

viksit at aya dot yale dot edu

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