Hello all,
  There will be a ILUG-Delhi meeting at the JNU bio-informatics centre
at 2pm on Sun., May 20th. There are two main aspects to this meeting:
1. Pre-election meeting: Election rules, and procedures will be
   described. Interested people are encouraged to submit notice of
   their candidature to the election officer, PJ (peejay AT hotpop
   DOT com) before that, so that they can be allotted time to speak
   if they wish to. A list of posts, and their responsibilities
   can be found in the Memorandum of Association at
   (see item 9, in particular 9A though 9E).
2. Freed 2007 planning: Minutes of the last management meeting will be
   posted this evening to the Freed mailing list (you can sign up by
   sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the single
   word "Subscribe" in the subject line). The main addition is that
   Vivek Khurana will be following up on the idea of a sub-conference,
   looking to see whether (a) there is sufficient interest in a Python
   or PHP sub-conference, and (b) looking to put together a management
   team for the sub-conference. So, please show up if you are interested
   in Python, or PHP.


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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