A stupendous avalanche of nominations continues to pour
in and stretch my capacity to process them! The nominations
are flying thick and high, and saturating the bandwidth out
here! They're literally oozing out of my ears and eyebrows
now! Yikes!

Currently we have:

President: Raj Mathur, Gora Mohanty
Treasurer: Kishore Bhargava, Andrew Lynn
Vice President: Andrew Lynn
General Secretary: Gora Mohanty, Sudev Barar, Gaurav
Joint Secretary: Tirveni Yadav
Member (2 posts available): Sudev Barar, Gaurav Mishra
(senior), Dhiraj, Honey, Mary, Atul Jha, Vivek Khurana

See! See! 

The shy wallflowers are being pushed forward to get on
down and do da Delhi lug dance! Come on, shake a lug baby!




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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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