> Make sure you have all WAN services disabled in Management->Access control->
> services to avoid this sort of abuse.

Hmm. The web interface on the Dlink 502T has the option to restrict wan
access, but it doesn't actually work (for mine, at least) 8-/ ("doesn't work"
as in - click the options; apply them; save and reboot as suggested; see that 
options are still checked - and then find that you can still telnet in from the
internet to whatever public IP it has).

This is all very subversive. It looks like the ISI has infiltrated MTNL. Or
maybe it's the CIA. Or the Chinese with their cyberwar brigade. Or maybe they're
all conspiring together.

Fear not! We can thwart the evil foreign hand at work here with not just one,
but two workarounds:

1. use iptables from CLI on the modem
2. like Raj suggested, use the modem as an ethernet bridge.

Be a true patriot and defend yourself for the sake of national security!


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