On 06-Aug-07, at 7:40 PM, Sudev Barar wrote:

> That said I find that the device has voltage range of 110~250 so in
> over a year not a single power supply is blown, this is without any
> UPS etc. neither is any moving part involved so you can say bye bye to
> AMC.
> Second form factor. Out of the way mounting right on back of LCD
> screen. Third no fan means very quite working. Lastly power
> consumption is only 8watt. Pays for itself by reducing electricity
> bills and lower heat output.

just shows that paying more at the start often means paying less in  
the long run - which is a good slogan for spending on migration from  
proprietary to foss

> I expect if some one really produced volumes the price line can drop
> lower but I am happy enough at this.

i wonder if we cant poke someone in India to manufacture things like  


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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