> On 8/8/07, PJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Maybe the Motorola A1200?
> > (http://www.mobile-review.com/review/motorola-a1200-en.shtml)
> >
> > It's not too great

Anupam Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What are you saying.. At 12k it's the best Linux based phone readily
> available in India!

Yeah, but is it better than the "best" non-linux phones in that price range?
Probably not for non-linux types. But maybe excellent for people like us.

The review link above is actually is from an experienced reviewer who is
looking at it from a general user perspective, and he rates it as average.

How good you rate it depends on what your needs are, and the components that
go into your definition of "best"

> At 12k it's the best Linux based phone readily
> available in India!

Yup. The A1200 is probably cheapest at Subiksha. In a couple of years
they'll be giving them away free in cornflakes boxes ;-)

> , and not too open

> That unfortunately is true. I wonder if it violates the GPL.

Very very unlikely. Companies like Motorola have a default policy of
routing things past a competent legal department ("ip rule add from phonecoders
table legal-department" ;-)) before allowing code out the door.

I caught a glimpse of Raj's A1200 at the last lug meet. If I understood
him correctly, then some of the driver modules are closed binaries. Which
is OK under GPL, but sucky for if you want to play around with the software

Overall, I reckon that for now it's probably the best of the bunch for people
keen on linux.


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